“Pride and Prejudice” and Slavery in America
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Margie Burns, “Pride and Prejudice” and Slavery in America, Politics, Colonialism, Slavery, Volume 40, No. 1 Winter 2019, http://jasna.org/publications/persuasions-online/volume-40-no-1/burns/
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©2019 The Jane Austen Society of North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
©2019 The Jane Austen Society of North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Deirdre Le Faye’s authoritative Family Record quotes Cassandra Austen’s timeline for the novel that became Pride and Prejudice. “First Impressions begun in Oct. 1796. Finished in Augt. 1797. Publish’d afterwards, with alterations & contractions, under the Title of Pride & Prejudice” (189–90). With Sense and Sensibility accepted for publication, Jane returned to First Impressions, but Minerva Press, that copious outlet for gothics and sentimental novels, had published a novel titled First Impressions by Margaret Holford in 1801. As with Austen’s Susan when a different Susan came out, the author had to find a new title. Her most conspicuous source, and a dominant influence, was Frances Burney.