Informing Migration Policies: A Data Primer
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Carletto, C., Larrison, J., & Özden, Ç. (2014). Informing Migration Policies: A Data Primer (Rep.). Bonn, NRW: The Institute for the Study of Labor.
Researchers in many fields, such as demography, economics, and sociology, have
established various data collection methodologies and principles to answer a range of
academic and policy questions on migration. Although the progress has been impressive,
some basic challenges remain. This paper addresses some basic, yet fundamental,
questions on identification of international migrants and how their various demographic,
personal, and human capital characteristics are captured via different data sources. The
critical issues are the construction of proper sampling frames in censuses, registers, and
surveys and the design of questionnaires in household, labor market, and other relevant
surveys. The paper discusses how these data sources can be used to answer policy
questions in areas such as labor markets, education, or poverty. The focus is on how some
of the existing shortcomings in availability, quality, and relevance of migration data can be
overcome via improvements in data collection methods.