Nonverbal Reactions to Conversational Interruption: A Test of Complementarity Theory and the Status/Gender Parallel
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Farley, S. D., Ashcraft, A. M., Stasson, M. F., & Nusbaum, R. L. (December 01, 2010). Nonverbal Reactions to Conversational Interruption: A Test of Complementarity Theory and the Status/Gender Parallel. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 34, 4, 193-206.
The present research examined nonverbal reactions to conversational interruption (a status-organizing cue). We predicted that the nonverbal reactions to interruption (versus a control condition) would show a different pattern of results than gender differences. Participants (N = 150) were paired with one of four confederates and randomly assigned to either an interruption or control condition. Nine nonverbal behavioral reactions were coded by independent raters. Participants responded to interruption with reciprocal interruptions and increased nodding, as compared to a control condition. Gender differences diverged from those associated with condition. Women smiled, agreed, nodded, and laughed more than men, showing evidence of a greater attempt to facilitate the flow of conversation. We discuss these findings with regard to the dimensions of affiliation and verticality.