Meaningful Engagement in the Nursing Home





Citation of Original Publication

John E. Morley, Nancy Kusmaul & Marla Berg-Weger (2021) Meaningful Engagement in the Nursing Home, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 64:1, 33-42, DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2020.1864543


This is the submitted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Gerontological Social Work on 22 Dec 2020, available online:


Throughout her career, Rosalie Kane made a major impact in her efforts to improve quality of life for persons living in nursing homes. Near the end of her career, she suggested that it was time to “re-imagine long term care and to produce livable age-friendly nursing homes.” This brief review focuses on the role of meaningful engagement and person-centered care as the next step in enhancing nursing home care. The importance of activities that strengthen cognitive and/or physical function is stressed, as well as improving socialization to reduce loneliness.