A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations
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Adam W. Bargteil, et.al, A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches Article No. 64, DOI: 10.1145/1179849.1179929
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Liquid simulation techniques have become a standard tool
in production environments, producing extremely realistic
liquid motion in a variety of films, commercials, and video
games. Surface texturing is an essential computer graphics
tool, which gives artists additional control over their results
by allowing them to stylize surfaces or add detail to a lowresolution simulations. For example, an artist could use texturing techniques to add the appearance of foam to a wave,
bubbles to beer, or fat globules to soup. Unfortunately, texturing liquid surfaces is difficult because the surfaces have
no inherent parameterization.
Creating a temporally consistent parameterization is extremely difficult for two primary reasons. First, liquid simulations are characterized by their complex and frequent topological changes. These topological changes result in significant discontinuities in any parameter tracked on the surface.
Second, liquid surfaces tend to stretch and compress dramatically over the course of a simulation. Similarly, an advected
parameterization will also stretch and compress. For these
reasons, advected texture coordinates are often unsuitable
for texturing liquid surfaces.
In this sketch we present a method for generating textures
on animated liquid surfaces. Rather than advecting texture
coordinates on the surface, we synthesize a new texture at
every frame. We initialize the texture with color values advected from the surface at the previous frame. We then
run an optimization procedure which attempts to match the
surface texture to an input sample texture and, for temporal
coherence, the advected colors.