The Effects of Phonics Intervention on Decoding and Reading Fluency Skills with English Language Learners in Fourth Grade
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Masters of Education
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of phonics intervention on decoding and oral reading fluency skills for English Language Learners in the fourth grade. This study used a pre-test and post-test design. Participants engaged in phonics interventions during their daily guided reading program. The Beginning Decoding Survey measured basic decoding skills and the Oral Reading Fluency Assessment measured oral reading fluency. There was no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the decoding pre-test (Mean = 31.20, SD = 10.01) and the mean score of the post-test (Mean = 35.0, SD =10.98) [t (4) =1.53, p=.201]. There was no significant difference between the mean score of the fluency pre-test (Mean = 33.80, SD = 15.09) and the mean score of the post-test (Mean = 31.80, SD = 8.90) [t (4) =.32, p=.77]. The overall mean score increased for decoding however it was not enough of a difference to be statically significant. Due to there not being a statistical difference between the pre- and post-tests for decoding and oral reading fluency, the null hypothesis was supported as the phonics intervention did not increase decoding and oral reading fluency skills. More research needs to be done in the area of which instructional approaches are most suitable for English Language Learners in the intermediate grades to increase overall reading skills.