Engaging High School Students Through Space Tech Camp: An Experience Report
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During the summer of 2022 and with the support of NASA's OSTEM through a MUREP PSI grant, we organized a summer camp experience called Space Tech Camp, a one-week experience dedicated to STEM engagement. The initiative included 18 students in Grades 10 and 11 in the Baltimore City Public Schools System. The students spent a week learning about the Artemis program, living and working in Space, and got to experience an augmented reality application as a way to simulate what future generations of astronauts may experience. They also designed and ran simple experiments related to what they learned during the week utilizing the Scientific Method and Design Thinking. This paper describes the structure and pedagogical foundations of Space Tech Camp. We also report high-level feedback that we received from students and other personnel involved with the experience. Overall, the initiative was successful and helped students learn about STEM, Space exploration, and college readiness.