Household Hurricane Evacuation During a Dual-Threat Event: Hurricane Laura and COVID-19





Citation of Original Publication

Greer, Alex, David Huntsman, Hao-Che Wu, Haley Murphy, and Lauren Clay. “Household Hurricane Evacuation during a Dual-Threat Event: Hurricane Laura and COVID-19.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 121 (August 1, 2023): 103820.


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This study explores household-level evacuation decision-making in response to Hurricane Laura, in a context where hurricane risk reduction measures contradicted COVID-19 risk reduction measures. Data were collected using a mail-based survey approach from households along the coast of Texas and Louisiana to explore drivers of and barriers to evacuation, including COVID-19 measures such as negative affect, risk perceptions, protective actions, and exposure. Testing for direct and indirect effects among the drivers of and barriers to evacuation, we find that many of our COVID-19 measures did not have a direct effect on evacuation but did have indirect effects through other factors. We also found evidence of both direct and indirect relationships with regards to more conventional drivers of evacuation found in the evacuation literature. We close with a discussion of the limitations and implications of this study.