Hard to Grow Agriculture Education

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Citation of Original Publication

Dasgupta, Sunil. "Hard to Grow Agriculture Education" Interview with Lori Mayhew and Glenn Miller. I Hate Politics Podcasts. 10 March, 2023. https://ihppod.libsyn.com/hard-to-grow-agriculture-education.


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Nearly all 25 high schools in Montgomery County, MD, have greenhouses, but there is only one agriculture program and two programs on agriculture, sustainability, and the environment. Sunil Dasgupta talks with Lori Mayhew of Damascus High School and Glenn Miller of Sherwood High School about the rhetoric and reality of agriculture education programs, which are themselves part of the larger push outward career and technical education (CTE) in the school district and the state. CTE programs must generate their own money for materials and their courses generally count as electives. Music for this episode comes from DC area rock trio Ammonite. Other links: Damascus High School Ag Program, Sherwood High School C.A.S.E Program, MTA Progress Report on Purple Line 2023-03.