Progress in the Development of Frequency‑Domain Multiplexing for the X‑ray Integral Field Unit on Board the Athena Mission
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Akamatsu, H., Gottardi, L., van der Kuur, J. et al. Progress in the Development of Frequency-Domain Multiplexing for the X-ray Integral Field Unit on Board the Athena Mission. J Low Temp Phys 199, 737–744 (2020).
This work was written as part of one of the author's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 U.S.C. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under U.S. Law.
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Frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) is the baseline readout system for the X-ray
Integral Field Unit on board the Athena mission. Under the FDM scheme, TESs are
coupled to a passive LC flter and biased with alternating current (AC bias) at MHz
frequencies. Using high-quality-factor LC flters and room-temperature electronics
developed at SRON and low-noise two-stage SQUID amplifers provided by VTT,
we have recently demonstrated good performance with the FDM readout of Mo/Au
TES calorimeters with Au/Bi absorbers. We have achieved a performance requested
for the demonstration model with the single-pixel AC bias (ΔE = 1.8 eV) and nine-pixel multiplexing (ΔE = 2.6 eV) modes. We have also demonstrated 14-pixel multiplexing with an average energy resolution of 3.3 eV, which is limited by nonfundamental issues related to FDM readout in our laboratory setup.