Community Benefit State Law Profiles A 50-State Survey of State Community Benefit Laws through the Lens of the ACA
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Citation of Original Publication
The Hilltop Institute. (2016, June). Community benefit state law profiles. Baltimore, MD: UMBC.
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The Hilltop Institute’s Community Benefit State Law Profiles (Profiles) present a comprehensive
analysis of each state’s community benefit landscape as defined by its laws, regulations, tax
exemptions, and, in some cases, policies and activities of state executive agencies. The Profiles
organize these state-level legal frameworks by the major categories of federal community benefit
requirements found in §9007 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), §501(r) of the Internal Revenue
Code. As state policymakers and community stakeholders assess their state’s community benefit
landscape in the wake of national health reform, the Profiles provide a needed contextual basis
for consideration of these policies against those of other states and federal community benefit