Review of RDA Essentials. By Thomas Brenndorfer


Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work



Citation of Original Publication

Dull, M.E. (2017). [Review of RDA Essentials. By Thomas Brenndorfer]. Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), 61(2), 117-18.



With his excellent reference work, RDA Essentials, Thomas Brenndorfer presents a guide to the cataloging code Resource Description and Access (RDA) that is both comprehensive and comprehensible. Brenndorfer provides catalogers with a clear path through RDA, helping them to understand the cataloging code and its underlying principles in plain English. Through his thorough introduction, Brenndorfer clearly and intelligently illustrates for readers the connections between the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records model (FRBR), FRBR user tasks, and the creation of bibliographic description. Readers of this work will thus gain not only a fairly complete bibliographic description of their chosen item, but also a greater appreciation for RDA’s structure and conceptual underpinnings.