Promoting Kindergarten Readiness During Remote Learning Through CommunityBased Family Literacy Sessions
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Citation of Original Publication
Rochester, Shana E., and Jennifer Mata-McMahon. "Promoting Kindergarten Readiness During Remote Learning Through Community-Based Family Literacy Sessions." In Handbook of Research on Family Literacy Practices and Home-School Connections. edited by Fox, Kathy R., and Laura E. Szech, 101-124. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.
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The purpose of this chapter is to describe a series of community-based family literacy sessions and the
responsive strategies used to modify the sessions for remote instruction to meet the needs of caregivers
of young children (birth to age 3). Situated within a two-generation approach to family engagement,
the sessions were implemented through a family-school-community partnership with a university-based
early learning research center, early learning centers in two urban Title I schools, and a public library.
Session attendees included a sample of 44 racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse families. In addition to describing the family literacy program, the chapter highlights the ways in which family literacy
sessions can positively influence the home literacy environment of families who participate in sessions
regularly. The chapter concludes with recommendations for facilitators aiming to work collaboratively
with community partners and families to develop mutually beneficial family literacy initiatives.