Agent-based approach for manufacturing integration: The ciimplex experience
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Y. Peng , T. Finin , Y. Labrou , R.S. Cost , B. Chu , J. Long , W. J. Tolone & A. Boughannam , Agent-based approach for manufacturing integration: The ciimplex experience, Applied Artificial Intelligence ,An International Journal Volume 13, 1999 - Issue 1-2 , DOI:
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This is the submitted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Applied Artificial Intelligence , An International Journal on 26 Nov 2010, available online:
This is the submitted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Applied Artificial Intelligence , An International Journal on 26 Nov 2010, available online:
The production management system used by most manufacturers today is comprised of
disconnected planning and execution processes, and lacks the support for interoperability and
collaboration needed for enterprise-wide integration. This situation often prevents the
manufacturer from fully exploring market opportunities in a timely fashion. To address this
problem, we are exploring an agent-based approach to intelligent enterprise integration. In this
approach, a set of agents with specialized expertise can be quickly assembled to help with the
gathering of relevant information and knowledge, to cooperate with each other and with other
parts of the production management system and humans to arrive at timely decisions in dealing
with various enterprise scenarios. The proposed multi-agent system, including its architecture
and implementation, are presented and demonstrated through an example integration scenario
involving real planning and execution software systems.