Michigan Medicaid: Relative Cost Effectiveness of Alternative Service Delivery Systems
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alternate delivery services for providing Medicaid health care
comparison of costs
Capitated managed care under multiple managed care organizations (MCOs)
multiple managed care organizations (MCOs) Fee-for-service (FFS)
Primary care case management (PCCM), a non-capitated form of managed care
Capitated managed care under a single statewide MCO
comparison of costs
Capitated managed care under multiple managed care organizations (MCOs)
multiple managed care organizations (MCOs) Fee-for-service (FFS)
Primary care case management (PCCM), a non-capitated form of managed care
Capitated managed care under a single statewide MCO
In response to recent dramatic increases in Medicaid spending, the Michigan legislature mandated a study evaluating the cost-effectiveness of capitated managed care involving multiple managed care organizations compared to three alternative delivery systems: fee-for-service, primary care case management, and a capitated managed care program involving a single statewide managed care organization. The Hilltop Institute (as the Center for Health Program Development and Management) was retained by the Michigan Department of Community Health to conduct this study.