The Effects of Guided Dancing Movement Breaks on First Graders’ Addition and Subtraction Computational Skills
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Masters of Education
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of guided dance movement activities on first grade students’ addition and subtraction computational skills. The study took place over the course of six weeks and used a pre-test and post-test design. For the first three weeks, students in the study participated in a guided dance movement activity, lasting approximately 10 minutes, prior to an addition and subtraction computation lesson. During the last three weeks, students in the study were not provided a guided dance movement activity prior to the computation lesson. The students were assessed on their addition and subtraction computation skills after the first three weeks, and again at the end of the study, by using an Anne Arundel County provided Quick Check Assessment. The results show the second quick check, after no movement treatment, there was not a statistically significant difference. Future studies are recommended involving two groups of study participants, one receiving the guided dance movement treatment and one without, in order to determine the effects of guided dance movement activities on students’ computational skills.