Testing General Relativity in the Solar System: present and future perspectives
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De Marchi, Fabrizio and Gael Cascioli. “Testing general relativity in the solar system: present and future perspectives.” Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (7 April 2020). DOI 10.1088/1361-6382/ab6ae0
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The increasing precision of spacecraft radiometric tracking data experienced in the last number
of years, coupled with the huge amount of data collected and the long baselines of the available
datasets, has made the direct observation of Solar System dynamics possible, and in particular
relativistic effects, through the measurement of some key parameters as the post-Newtonian
parameters, the Nordtvedt parameter η and the graviton mass.
In this work we investigate the potentialities of the datasets provided by the most promising past,
present and future interplanetary missions to draw a realistic picture of the knowledge that can
be reached in the next 10-15 years. To this aim, we update the semi-analytical model originally
developed for the BepiColombo mission, to take into account planet-planet relativistic interactions
and eccentricity-induced effects and validate it against well-established numerical models to assess
the precision of the retrieval of the parameters of interest.
Before the analysis of the results we give a review of some of the hypotheses and constrained
analysis schemes that have been proposed until now to overcome geometrical weaknessess and
model degeneracies, proving that these strategies introduce model inconsistencies. Finally we apply
our semi-analytical model to perform a covariance analysis on three samples of interplanetary
missions: 1) those for which data are available now (e.g. Cassini, MESSENGER, MRO, Juno), 2)
in the next years (BepiColombo) and 3) still to be launched as JUICE and VERITAS (this latter
is waiting for the approval).