The Increase of Efficiency of Numerical Solution of the Vectorial Radiative Transfer Equation Based upon the Subtraction of the Anisotropic Part





Citation of Original Publication

Budak, Vladimir P., and Sergey V. Korkin. “The Increase of Efficiency of Numerical Solution of the Vectorial Radiative Transfer Equation Based upon the Subtraction of the Anisotropic Part.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1100, no. 1 (March 11, 2009): 27–30.


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Here we offer the vectorial generalization of the scalar approach that we have developed earlier. The approach concludes in the representation of the radiation field as superposition of anisotropic (singular) part and smooth regular part. We evaluate the singular part in vectorial modification of spherical harmonics method (VMSH). The anisotropic part contains all solution’s singularities discussed above and the regular part evaluated from the vectorial radiative transfer equation boundary problem (VRTE BP) with the VMSH as a source function together with the anisotropic (singular) part give the exact solution of the VRTE BP. 1D problem is considered as a necessary step on the way to 3D polarized radiative transfer model.