Instructed Versus Shaped Human Verbal Behavior: Interactions with Nonverbal Responding

dc.contributor.authorCatania, A. Charles
dc.contributor.authorMatthews, Byron A.
dc.contributor.authorShimoff, Eliot
dc.description.abstractUndergraduate students' presses on left and right buttons occasionally made available points exchangeable for money. Blue lights over the buttons were correlated with multiple random-ratio random-interval components; usually, the random-ratio schedule was assigned to the left button and the random-interval to the right. During interruptions on the multiple schedule, students filled out sentence-completion guess sheets (e.g., The way to earn points with the left button is to …). For different groups, guesses were shaped with differential points also worth money (e.g., successive approximations to “press fast” for the left button), or were instructed (e.g., Write “press slowly” for the left button), or were simply collected. Control of rate of pressing by guesses was examined in individual cases by reversing shaped or instructed guesses, by instructing pressing rates, and/or by reversing multiple-schedule contingencies. Shaped guesses produced guess-consistent pressing even when guessed rates opposed those characteristic of the contingencies (e.g., slow random-ratio and fast random-interval rates), whereas guesses and rates of pressing rarely corresponded after unsuccessful shaping of guesses or when guessing had no differential consequences. Instructed guesses and pressing were inconsistently related. In other words, when verbal responses were shaped (contingency-governed), they controlled nonverbal responding. When they were instructed (rule-governed), their control of nonverbal responding was inconsistent: the verbal behavior sometimes controlled, sometimes was controlled by, and sometimes was independent of the nonverbal behavior.
dc.description.sponsorshipResearch supported by Contract MDA907-79-C-0544 from the Army Research Institute to the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
dc.format.extent16 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationCatania, A. Charles, Byron A. Matthews, and Eliot Shimoff. “Instructed Versus Shaped Human Verbal Behavior: Interactions with Nonverbal Responding.” Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 38, no. 3 (1982): 233–48.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Faculty Collection
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Psychology Department
dc.subjectbutton pressing
dc.subjectcontingency-shaped behavior
dc.subjectmultiple RR RI schedule
dc.subjectpoint reinforcers
dc.subjectrule-governed behavior
dc.subjectverbal behavior
dc.titleInstructed Versus Shaped Human Verbal Behavior: Interactions with Nonverbal Responding
