The optical absorption edge of diamond-like carbon: A quantum well model





Citation of Original Publication

Matthew Pelton, Stephen K. O’Leary, Franco Gaspari, Stefan Zukotynski; The optical absorption edge of diamond-like carbon: A quantum well model. Journal of Applied Physics 15 January 1998; 83 (2): 1029–1035.


This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Matthew Pelton, Stephen K. O’Leary, Franco Gaspari, Stefan Zukotynski; The optical absorption edge of diamond-like carbon: A quantum well model. Journal of Applied Physics 15 January 1998; 83 (2): 1029–1035. and may be found at



This article presents an analysis of the optical absorption edge of diamond-like carbon, based on transitions between confined electronic states in quantum wells. This theory is proposed to replace the commonly-used Tauc and Urbach expressions. It uses the cluster model of sample structure: the wells correspond to islands of graphitic, sp² -bonded material embedded in a diamond-like, sp³ -bonded skeleton. A percolation model is used to give the cluster size distribution. Near-edge optical absorption coefficients are determined approximately for macroscopic thin films that have low fractions of sp² bonding. Experimental results provide preliminary confirmation of the approach.