Dialogue about Syllabus for Education of Research Methods in Journalism and Communication: A Contract, a Plan, a Cognitive Map, or a Communication Device?

dc.contributor.authorXie, Ming
dc.contributor.authorChao, Chin-Chung
dc.description.abstractThis study explores how the teaching of research methods in journalism and communication is embodied through syllabi in U.S. classrooms. Through emails and an online search, this study collects and reviews syllabi from the 102 accredited programs by Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Based on four major distinct purposes of a syllabus —as a contract, a communication device, a plan, and a cognitive map—we examined the current education status of research methods courses and identified strategies of using syllabi as a learner-centered tool which can empower students to be motivated and self-directed learners
dc.format.extent15 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationXie, Ming, and Chin-Chung Chao. “Dialogue about Syllabus for Education of Research Methods in Journalism and Communication: A Contract, a Plan, a Cognitive Map, or a Communication Device?” Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication 13, no.1. (2023): 14-28. https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/AEJMC/cb51e04d-0bbc-407c-8982-aece895b3c6f/UploadedImages/TJMC_13_1__2023__Xie_Chao_Teaching_Research_Methods_.pdf.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Emergency and Distaster Health Systems
dc.rightsThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.
dc.titleDialogue about Syllabus for Education of Research Methods in Journalism and Communication: A Contract, a Plan, a Cognitive Map, or a Communication Device?
