Effects of the Retelling to Synthesize Strategy when used to Increase the Reading Comprehension Scores of Low Performing Third Grade Students in an Inclusion Classroom
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Masters of Education
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The purpose of this study was to determine whether ‘Retelling to Synthesize,’ is a more
effective instructional strategy than less structured classroom instruction in developing reading
comprehension skills among low performing third grade students. The study consisted of a preexperimental,
static-group comparison with groups (N = 5) matched based on reading ability
from a convenience sample of students. Both groups participated in small group instruction but
the control group was not instructed in a specific reading strategy. There was no significant
difference between the treatment group (Mean = 38.20, SD = 6.72) and control group (Mean =
33.40, SD = 6.84) on reading comprehension scores derived from short-cycle and benchmark
assessment scores after six weeks of intervention with a t-score of [t(4) = 1.50, p>.05].
However, the study had multiple limitations, including low statistical power, which likely
impacted results. Although there were no significant findings, the trend of the results, as well as
observations, suggest that the strategy may improve reading comprehension and is worth future
study. Educational implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.