The POLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project (POLMIP): overview and evaluation with observations

dc.contributor.authorEmmons, L. K.
dc.contributor.authorArnold, S. R.
dc.contributor.authorMonks, S. A.
dc.contributor.authorHuijnen, V.
dc.contributor.authorTilmes, S.
dc.contributor.authorLaw, K. S.
dc.contributor.authorThomas, J. L.
dc.contributor.authorRaut, J.-C.
dc.contributor.authorBouarar, I.
dc.contributor.authorTurquety, S.
dc.contributor.authorLong, Y.
dc.contributor.authorDuncan, B.
dc.contributor.authorSteenrod, S.
dc.contributor.authorStrode, S.
dc.contributor.authorFlemming, J.
dc.contributor.authorMao, J.
dc.contributor.authorLangner, J.
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Anne M.
dc.contributor.authorTarasick, D.
dc.contributor.authorApel, E. C.
dc.contributor.authorBlake, D. R.
dc.contributor.authorCohen, R. C.
dc.contributor.authorDibb, J.
dc.contributor.authorDiskin, G. S.
dc.contributor.authorFried, A.
dc.contributor.authorHall, S. R.
dc.contributor.authorHuey, L. G.
dc.contributor.authorWeinheimer, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorWisthaler, A.
dc.contributor.authorMikoviny, T.
dc.contributor.authorNowak, J.
dc.contributor.authorPeischl, J.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorRyerson, T.
dc.contributor.authorWarneke, C.
dc.contributor.authorHelmig, D.
dc.description.abstractA model intercomparison activity was inspired by the large suite of observations of atmospheric composition made during the International Polar Year (2008) in the Arctic. Nine global and two regional chemical transport models participated in this intercomparison and performed simulations for 2008 using a common emissions inventory to assess the differences in model chemistry and transport schemes. This paper summarizes the models and compares their simulations of ozone and its precursors and presents an evaluation of the simulations using a variety of surface, balloon, aircraft and satellite observations. Each type of measurement has some limitations in spatial or temporal coverage or in composition, but together they assist in quantifying the limitations of the models in the Arctic and surrounding regions. Despite using the same emissions, large differences are seen among the models. The cloud fields and photolysis rates are shown to vary greatly among the models, indicating one source of the differences in the simulated chemical species. The largest differences among models, and between models and observations, are in NOᵧ partitioning (PAN vs. HNO₃) and in oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as acetaldehyde and acetone. Comparisons to surface site measurements of ethane and propane indicate that the emissions of these species are significantly underestimated. Satellite observations of NO₂ from the OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) have been used to evaluate the models over source regions, indicating anthropogenic emissions are underestimated in East Asia, but fire emissions are generally overestimated. The emission factors for wildfires in Canada are evaluated using the correlations of VOCs to CO in the model output in comparison to enhancement factors derived from aircraft observations, showing reasonable agreement for methanol and acetaldehyde but underestimate ethanol, propane and acetone, while overestimating ethane emission factors.
dc.description.sponsorshipThe GEOS-5 data used with CAM-chem in this study have been provided by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We acknowledge the free use of tropospheric NO2 column data from the OMI sensor from French co-authors acknowledge funding from the French Agence National de Recherche (ANR) CLIMSLIP project and CNRS-LEFE. POLARCAT-France was supported by ANR, CNRS-LEFE and CNES. This work was performed in part using HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (grant 2014-017141). V. Huijnen acknowledges funding from the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (contract number 218793). Contributions by SMHI were funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency under contract NV-09414-12 and through the Swedish Climate and Clean Air research program, SCAC. A. Wisthaler acknowledges support from BMVIT-FFG/ALR. ARCPAC was supported in part by the NOAA Climate and Health of the Atmosphere programs. J. Mao acknowledges the NOAA Climate Program Office’s grant NA13OAR4310071. L. K. Emmons acknowledges support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under award no. NNX08AD22G issued through the Science Mission Directorate, Tropospheric Composition Program. The CESM project is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Science (BER) of the US Department of Energy. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is funded by the National Science Foundation.
dc.format.extent24 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationEmmons, L. K., S. R. Arnold, S. A. Monks, V. Huijnen, S. Tilmes, K. S. Law, J. L. Thomas, et al. “The POLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project (POLMIP): Overview and Evaluation with Observations.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, no. 12 (June 17, 2015): 6721–44.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Faculty Collection
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC GESTAR II
dc.rightsThis work was written as part of one of the author's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 U.S.C. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under U.S. Law.
dc.rightsPublic Domain
dc.titleThe POLARCAT Model Intercomparison Project (POLMIP): overview and evaluation with observations


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