The effect of the electrode placement on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) on amplitude, morphology, and latency


Author/Creator ORCID




Towson University. Department of Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology and Deaf Studies


Citation of Original Publication




An oto-neurologic Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) was recorded on 30 adult participants, with normal hearing, from three different inverting electrode montages (front of the earlobe, back of the earlobe, mastoid). The study examined ABR results including the absolute latency of waves I, III, and V; interpeak latency values for waves I- III, III- V, and I-V; latency differences for wave V with a fast and slow click stimulus; and wave V/I amplitude ratios. Results revealed there were no significant latency and/or amplitude differences between electrode montages. There was a significant gender difference after combining all participants for a total of 60 ears. Although there was a significant gender difference, these findings were not clinically relevant, indicating there is no need for gender specific ABR normative data. As all electrode montages resulted in data within normal limits, professionals should use the inverting electrode placement that they are most comfortable with to yield the lowest impedance value. These findings were in agreement with the results of prior studies.