RXTE Monitoring of LMC X-3: Recurrent Hard States
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J. Wilms, M. A. Nowak, K. Pottschmidt, W. A. Heindl, J. B. Dove, M. C. Begelman, R. Staubert; RXTE monitoring of LMC X-3: Recurrent hard states. AIP Conf. Proc. 12 April 2000; 510 (1): 119–123. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1303186
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in J. Wilms, M. A. Nowak, K. Pottschmidt, W. A. Heindl, J. B. Dove, M. C. Begelman, R. Staubert; RXTE monitoring of LMC X-3: Recurrent hard states. AIP Conf. Proc. 12 April 2000; 510 (1): 119–123. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1303186 and may be found at https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/510/1/119/559134/RXTE-monitoring-of-LMC-X-3-Recurrent-hard-states.
The black hole candidate LMC X-3 varies by a factor of four on a timescale of either 200 or 100 days (Cowley et al., 1991). We have monitored LMC X-3 with RXTE in three to four week intervals starting in December 1996, obtaining a large observational database that sheds light on the nature of the long term X-ray variability in this source. In this paper we present the results from this monitoring campaign, focusing on evidence of recurring hard states in this canonical soft state black hole candidate.