Experimental demonstration of a 24-port packaged multi-microring network-on-chip in silicon photonic platform
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Citation of Original Publication
Fabrizio Gambini, Paolo Pintus, Stefano Faralli, Marco Chiesa, Giovan Battista Preve, Isabella Cerutti, and Nicola Andriolli, "Experimental demonstration of a 24-port packaged multi-microring network-on-chip in silicon photonic platform," Opt. Express 25, 22004-22016 (2017)
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A 24-port packaged multi-microring optical network-on-chip has been tested for
simultaneous co- and counter-propagating transmissions at the same wavelength at 10 Gbps. In
the co-propagating scenario communications up to five hops with one interfering signal have been
tested, together with transmissions impaired by up to three interfering signals. In the counterpropagating scenario the device performance has been investigated exploiting the ring resonators
in both shared-source and shared-destination configurations. The spectral characterization is
in good agreement with the theoretical results. Bit-error-rate measurements indicate power
penalties at BER=10−9
limited to (i) 0.5 dB in the co-propagating scenarios independently from
the number of interfering transmissions, (ii) 0.8 dB in the counter-propagating scenario with
shared-source configuration, and (