Enhanced view of the “tropical Atlantic ozone paradox” and “zonal wave one” from the in situ MOZAIC and SHADOZ data

dc.contributor.authorSauvage, B.
dc.contributor.authorThouret, V.
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Anne M.
dc.contributor.authorWitte, J. C.
dc.contributor.authorCammas, J.-P.
dc.contributor.authorNédélec, P.
dc.contributor.authorAthier, G.
dc.description.abstractOzone vertical profiles from the Measurements of Ozone from Airbus In-service Aircraft (MOZAIC) program over Africa are used to complement pictures of the wave-one pattern and the “tropical Atlantic paradox” identified through soundings in the Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) network. The Atlantic paradox refers to a greater tropospheric ozone column amount over the South Atlantic than the North Atlantic during the West African biomass burning season. SHADOZ and MOZAIC data from 1998–2002 and 1997–2004, respectively, are used to show that these two phenomena are linked. The combined data are used to address the following: Does the (continental) MOZAIC data modify the appearance of the paradox? Do lower tropospheric MOZAIC data lead to new conclusions about ozone in the wave-one maximum region? During December, January, and February (DJF), the lower troposphere over Africa exhibits a higher ozone signal in the burning hemisphere, that is, north of the equator, so the “paradox” does not appear over the African continent. The MOZAIC data set over Africa highlights another component of the wave-one feature when the tropospheric ozone mixing ratio is viewed in zonal cross section. The lower troposphere makes a nonnegligible contribution to the regionally higher ozone column during the biomass burning periods of each hemisphere (DJF) for West Africa and June, July, and August (JJA) for the central Africa region. A southern preference for the wave-one character, previously deduced from satellite data, is confirmed with a stronger maximum in September, October, and November (SON). Both the paradox and wave-one phenomena are consistent with a view that the African continent is a major source of biomass burning and lightning emissions.
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors acknowledge MOZAIC fundingagencies, the European Commission, CNRS (France), ForschungszentrumJu¨lich (Germany), Me´te´o France, EADS (Airbus), and the airlines (AirFrance, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, and former Sabena, who carried freeof charge the MOZAIC equipment and performed the maintenance). Wealso acknowledge the European agency ESA/ERIN. SHADOZ is supportedby NASA’s Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling and Analysis Program(ACMAP), Aura Validation, and the TOMS and OMI projects.
dc.format.extent10 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationSauvage, B., V. Thouret, A. M. Thompson, J. C. Witte, J.-P. Cammas, P. Nédélec, and G. Athier. “Enhanced View of the ‘Tropical Atlantic Ozone Paradox’ and ‘Zonal Wave One’ from the in Situ MOZAIC and SHADOZ Data.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111, no. D1 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006241.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC GESTAR II
dc.rights©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved
dc.subjectchemistry and transport
dc.subjectMOZAIC SHADOZ wave-one paradox
dc.subjecttropics ozone
dc.titleEnhanced view of the “tropical Atlantic ozone paradox” and “zonal wave one” from the in situ MOZAIC and SHADOZ data


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