RXTE Observation of the Nonthermal Emission from the Early Stage Merger in A1750






Citation of Original Publication

Henriksen, Mark. “RXTE Observation of the Nonthermal Emission from the Early Stage Merger in A1750.” The Astrophysical Journal 933 34 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac71ac


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We make the first observation-based calculation of the energy that goes into cosmic ray protons versus cosmic ray electrons in shock acceleration during structure formation. We find a ratio of energy in cosmic ray protons to energy in cosmic ray electrons of 0.86. This value, calculated from the nonthermal X-ray component reported here from RTXE and the Fermi LAT upper limit for gamma-ray emission, is significantly lower than theoretical estimates that place most of the nonthermal energy in protons. Our estimate is based on the detection of nonthermal X-ray emission using the 3–20 keV RXTE spectrum, which shows residual emission not well modeled by a single thermal component. The statistical significance of adding a nonthermal, power-law component is 96%. The significance of adding a second thermal component is 90%. The addition of a component consisting of full cosmic X-ray background fluctuation to an isothermal model is significant with 92% confidence. The cumulative probability for the two-thermal-component model is 81% and 90% for the thermal plus power law. Thus the model with nonthermal emission is the preferred description of the data. Evidence of shock heating between the clusters in the spectro-imaging data of XMM, Chandra, and Suzaku indicates that a cosmic ray component should also be present and supports a nonthermal interpretation for the additional component. The bolometric nonthermal X-ray luminosity is 1.6 × 1044 ergs s−1, 36% of the total X-ray emission in the 0.1–100 keV band.