First generation parabolic deformable mirror for the ExoSpec project
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Hari B. Subedi, Tyler D. Groff, Scott Will, Roser Juanola-Parramon, "First generation parabolic deformable mirror for the ExoSpec project," Proc. SPIE 12680, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets XI, 1268013 (5 October 2023);
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The Exoplanet Spectroscopy (ExoSpec) project links four different tasks at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to facilitate efficient imaging and characterization of exoplanets. One of the tasks is the development of parabolic deformable mirrors to improve on the current state-of-the-art wavefront sensing and control implementations that are baselined to have two high-actuator count flat Deformable Mirrors (DMs). The current baseline has two DMs at a considerable separation distance to effectively control both amplitude and phase aberrations. This significant separation poses packaging challenges to the direct imaging missions. We can mitigate this issue by making the off-axis imaging elements in the optical train controllable. Besides addressing the packaging challenges, this technique reduces the risk of having the entire coronagraph instrument’s performance depend on two high-actuator count DMs. Simulations show that making imaging elements deformable increases the overall controllable bandwidth - it would be possible to control wavefront aberrations up to 35% bandwidth over a 5 - 12 λ|D. GSFC has worked with a commercial vendor to produce a first-generation parabolic DM and built a testbed in an environmentally controlled cleanroom to experimentally demonstrate the use of a parabolic DM in a coronagraph instrument. This versatile testbed is designed to test different DM architectures and various low-order wavefront schemes. This provides us with a basis for comparison with different DM configurations: 1) flat DM, 2) parabolic DMs, and 3) flat DM and parabolic DMs. In this paper, we will provide an update on our parabolic DM work.