Time-Periodic Solutions for Hyperbolic-Parabolic Systems





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Time-periodic weak solutions for a coupled hyperbolic-parabolic system are obtained. A linear heat and wave equation are considered on two respective d-dimensional spatial domains that share a common (d − 1)-dimensional interface Γ. The system is only partially damped, leading to an indeterminate case for existing theory (Galdi et al., 2014). We construct periodic solutions by obtaining novel a priori estimates for the coupled system, reconstructing the total energy via the interface Γ. As a byproduct, geometric constraints manifest on the wave domain which are reminiscent of classical boundary control conditions for wave stabilizability. We note a “loss” of regularity between the forcing and solution which is greater than that associated with the heat-wave Cauchy problem. However, we consider a broader class of spatial domains and mitigate this regularity loss by trading time and space differentiations, a feature unique to the periodic setting. This seems to be the first constructive result addressing existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions in the heat-wave context, where no dissipation is present in the wave interior. Our results speak to the open problem of the (non-)emergence of resonance in complex systems, and are readily generalizable to related systems and certain nonlinear cases.