Collages of Arts-Based Collaborative Performances on Social Justice





Citation of Original Publication

DeVita, James, and Christine Liao. “Collages of Arts-Based Collaborative Performances on Social Justice.” Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 15, no. 2 (December 31, 2022).


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This visual narrative focuses on the arts-based learning aspect of a multi-year and multi-level collaborative film and dance performance project. We use collage as an arts-based method to represent the complex process of engaging students across multi-levels of education (graduate, undergraduate, high school, middle school) in a collaborative learning project. The collages included images captured during class activities and the final performances and demonstrate multiple outcomes of the project associated with arts-based learning, embodied learning, and crystallization of learning. The accompanying narrative provides context about the project including details about the collaborative process, course activities, and development of the final film and dance integrated performance.