Closing gaps in anti-sexual exploitation efforts via multi-sector collaboration
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Towson University. Social Sciences Program
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This qualitative phenomenological study examines the perspectives of stakeholders across sectors of society working with and on behalf of individuals with lived experiences of sexual exploitation. Anti-sexual exploitation efforts can be understood on a Continuum of Care, along which strategic points of intersection offer opportunities for collaboration in prevention, intervention, restoration, and reintegration. Research indicates that multi-sector collaboration can effectively address gaps in services. Participants (n=25) represented key sectors and stakeholders in the Mid-Atlantic region. A subset of participants offered their perspectives as survivors of sexual trauma (assault, abuse, exploitation, or trafficking). Study interviews addressed positive and negative aspects of the collaborative process. Some barriers to effective collaboration were identified and discussed. Both formal and informal criteria were recommended to facilitate the formation and depth of collaborative relationships. Suggestions were made for improving collaboration long-term. Implications for researchers, practitioners, community members, interventionists, and policymakers are included.