Vehicle Heterogeneous Multi-Source Information Fusion Positioning Method
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Tang, Chengkai, Chen Wang, Lingling Zhang, Yi Zhang, and Houbing Song. “Vehicle Heterogeneous Multi-Source Information Fusion Positioning Method.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024, 1–16.
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With the development of vehicle applications such as intelligent transportation and autonomous driving, the application fields based on location services have increasingly higher requirements for vehicle positioning reliability and real-time accuracy. However, the existing single navigation source of vehicles makes it difficult to realize real-time and high-precision positioning in different scenarios. The current multi-source information fusion methods have the problems of low generalization ability, poor expansibility, and high computational complexity, so it is challenging to apply in the field of vehicle positioning. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a vehicle heterogeneous multi-source information fusion positioning method (MIFP) based on information probability, which converts the multiple heterogeneous navigation sources into information probability models to realize the unification of the timefrequency parameter format and designs an information fusion algorithm to realize the rapid fusion based on the theory of relative entropy. Through simulation tests and experimental verification by comparing with mainstream information fusion methods, such as the UKF method, the FGA method, and the NNA method, the MIFP method has high positioning accuracy and strong real-time performance. It can effectively solve the problems of weak expansion ability and large calculation amounts of current vehicle fusion positioning models. In the case of interference or mutation, the MIFP method can also suppress the influence of sudden errors on vehicle positioning.