GX 301-2 as seen by Integral





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We present observations of the High Mass X-ray Binary GX 301-2 taken during the Galactic Plane Scan (GPS) with Integral following our RXTE observations (Kreykenbohm et al. 2004). The optical companion of GX 301-2 is the B1Ia+ hypergiant Wray 977 with a luminosity of 1.3 x 10^6 Lsun and a mass of ~48 Msun making the system one of the most massive X-ray binaries known. The system was observed 24 times during the GPS thus covering many orbital phases including the pre-periastron flare. The source is clearly detected in all Integral instruments in most pointings. The derived X-ray light curves show strong variability on all timescales. Depending on the orbital phase of the pointings, the luminosity changes by factor of more than 10 during the pre-periastron flare compared to other pointings. Furthermore, broad band spectra using all instruments available on Integral are compared with data taken by the RXTE instruments PCA and HEXTE (using the same data as in Kreykenbohm et al. 2004).