Finite dimensional smooth attractor for the Berger plate with dissipation acting on a portion of the boundary
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Citation of Original Publication
Avalos, George, Pelin G. Geredeli, and Justin T. Webster. "Fiinite Dimensional Smooth Attractor for the Berger Plate with Dissipation Acting on a Portion of the Boundary." Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 15, no. 6 (November 1, 2016): 2301–28.
This is the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to Finite dimensional smooth attractor for the Berger plate with dissipation acting on a portion of the boundary AIMS is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript, or any version derived from it.
We consider a (nonlinear) Berger plate in the absence of rotational inertia acted upon by nonlinear boundary dissipation. We take the boundary to have two disjoint components: a clamped (inactive) portion and a controlled portion where the feedback is active via a hinged-type condition. We emphasize the damping acts only in one boundary condition on a portion of the boundary. In [24] this type of boundary damping was considered for a Berger plate on the whole boundary and shown to yield the existence of a compact global attractor. In this work we address the issues arising from damping active only on a portion of the boundary, including deriving a necessary trace estimate for (Δμ)|ᵣ₀ and eliminating a geometric condition in [24] which was utilized on the damped portion of the boundary. Additionally, we use recent techniques in the asymptotic behavior of hyperbolic-like dynamical systems [11, 18]involving a ``stabilizability' estimate to show that the compact global attractor has finite fractal dimension and exhibits additional regularity beyond that of the state space (for finite energy solutions).