Healthcare Upside/Down: Pricing Impacting Financially Vulnerable Populations w/ Henderson & Mouslim



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Terheyden, Nick van. "Healthcare Upside/Down: Pricing Impacting Financially Vulnerable Populations w/ Henderson & Mouslim." Healthcare Upside/Down, podcast audio. November 09, 2022.


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As we move clearly into a transparent and fair system of healthcare service that offers economic, affordable, and accessible healthcare to everyone it is important to take account of all the groups and find an appropriate path for every member of our community. Self-pay patients are an understudied yet important and financially vulnerable population of emergency room users and as you will hear the Emergency Room facility fees may be a key cost driver in patient ER bills. Depending on your facilities status it may be that the ER fee is tied to economic drivers and fixed costs and is hard to adjust. Your better pill to swallow is to consider alternative delivery options until health policy catches up and addresses these issues identifying alternative approaches for these groups that offer a lower cost more economic option would start to address the inequities and failures of our existing system.