ETBP-TD: An Efficient and Trusted Bilateral Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery Scheme for Mobile Crowdsensing
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Bai, Jing, Jinsong Gui, Tian Wang, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu, and Neal N. Xiong. “ETBP-TD: An Efficient and Trusted Bilateral Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery Scheme for Mobile Crowdsensing.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, 1–16.
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Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) has emerged as a promising sensing paradigm for accomplishing large-scale tasks by leveraging ubiquitously distributed mobile workers. Due to the variability in sensory data provided by different workers, identifying truth values from them has garnered wide attention. However, existing truth discovery schemes either offer limited privacy protection or incur high participation costs and lower data aggregation quality due to malicious workers. In this paper, we propose an Efficient and Trusted Bilateral Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery scheme (ETBP-TD) to obtain high-quality truth values while preventing privacy leakage from both workers and the data requester. Specifically, a matrix encryption-based protocol is introduced to the whole truth discovery process, which keeps locations and data related to tasks and workers secret from other entries. Additionally, trust-based worker recruitment and trust update mechanisms are first integrated within a privacy-preserving truth discovery scheme to enhance truth value accuracy and reduce unnecessary participation costs. Our theoretical analyses on the security and regret of ETBP-TD, along with extensive simulations on real-world datasets, demonstrate that ETBP-TD effectively preserves workers' and tasks' privacy while reducing the estimated error by up to 84.40% and participation cost by 54.72%.