Past Forward: Oral History Interviews with Holocaust Survivors and Storytelling (Telling their Stories)
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Author/Creator ORCID
Type of Work
Center for the Study of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Citation of Original Publication
Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, Volume 13, Number 2, Spring 2017, pp.133-142.
Contact the author for more information at
This article highlights new research opportunities on Oral History interviews and
storytelling. From 2003-2013 Goucher College students interviewed Holocaust survivors
in Baltimore and publicly retold their stories on campuses, in schools and synagogues.
These Oral History interviews and storytelling presentations are stored in digital form in
the Special Collections at the Goucher Library, and are currently in the process of being
made available online. The students used their chronologically structured interviews to
develop their own narration of the survivors' accounts. The interviews and presentations
include a wide variety of survival experiences all over war-torn Europe as well as the
survivors’ recollections of their arrival in the U.S. The Goucher Collection adds another
aspect to existing archived Oral History interviews: The survivors entrust their stories to
interviewers the age of their own grandchildren. The interviews as well as the digitized
storytelling presentations are a rich source for comparative analyses with interviews from
other collections, and/or other forms of testimonies.