SU Faculty and Staff Collection

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    Silver Linings: Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic
    (William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, University System of Maryland, 2022) Fox, James; Sokoloski, Joshua; Brown, Anita; Bown, Carolina; Surak, Sarah; Batista Lobo, María Fernanda; Egan, Chrys
    This publication features faculty and administrator reflections on the challenges, triumphs, lessons learned, and new instructional approaches that came about as a result of teaching through, and since, the COVID-19 pandemic. The essays in this volume began as presentations delivered in Fall 2021 at a convening of the same name, and together, they help paint a picture of teaching and learning efforts that are flexible, creative, empathetic toward students, and inclusive of students’ differing needs.
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    UAS Main Campus Map and DEM 10/23/2018
    (2018-11-01) Hamilton, Stuart E.; Geography and Geosciences; Geography
    <3cm resolution Phantom 4 Pro campus air photos and DSM generated on October 23, 2018.
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    UAS Air Photos of Lake Victoria (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania)
    (2018-09-23) Hamilton, Stuart E.
    This project investigates the dynamic links between the ecology of Lake Victoria (a natural system), the economy of its surrounding fisheries (a human system), and the bridge between these systems created by aquaculture. Within the natural subsystem, dynamics of fish abundance are regulated by predation, competition, and lake productivity. Within the human subsystem, dynamics of demand for fish are driven by local fish consumption and global fish exports. The natural subsystem supplies fish catch to the human subsystem, and the human subsystem impacts fisheries through fishing effort. Aquaculture links these systems through additional production of fish and response to demand. This research will investigate the effects of aquaculture on wild fisheries and food commodity markets through an ecosystem accounting model (MIMES) that links lake biological dynamics with human socio-economic dynamics. New environmental, biological and socio-economic data will be collected through trawl, acoustic, and questionnaire-based surveys. New and existing data will be synthesized with GIS. The expansion of a forecasting model (International Futures or IFs) will investigate effects of global demand dynamics on our system. Finally, MIMES will be used to assess scenarios of aquaculture growth and tradeoffs in fish population dynamics, food security, and income security in the Lake Victoria basin.
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    Nuts and bolts of researching library issues
    (2018-06-13) Martin, Victoria; Hardy, Beatriz; SU Libraries
    This joint presentation was delivered to Salisbury University's librarians and library staff as part of the Libraries' Professional Development series. Part 1 was delivered by Victoria Martin, Scholarly Communications Librarian. Part 2 was delivered by Beatriz Hardy, Dean of Libraries and Instructional Resources.
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    Monitoring of dung beetle (Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) activity along Maryland's Coastal Plain
    (Eagle Hill Institute, 2018-03) Simons, Patrick; Molina, Michael; Hagadorn, Mallory; Price, Dana; Biological Sciences
    Our understanding of how human activities impact insect communities is limited. Dung beetles, well known for the ecosystem services they provide, are faced with many conservation threats, particularly from deforestation and agriculture. Here we used 200-m transects and human-dung—baited pitfall traps to examine dung beetle populations in 7 forests of Maryland's Coastal Plain. We set traps once a month, from May 2014 to April 2015, to determine species presence, abundance, range, and seasonality. We collected 6463 individuals representing 22 species; Janes Island State Park (JISP) had the highest abundance (2705 individuals) and Martinak State Park (MSP) had the highest species richness (19 species). During summer 2015, we examined the succession of dung beetles attracted to bait in JISP and MSP. We set 10 traps once a month (May–August) in each site and collected beetles on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 without dung replacement. In JISP, Onthophagus hecate (Scooped Scarab) was abundant throughout each 21-d period, and accounted for 68% of all beetles collected. In MSP, most specimens were collected by day 5. Here we provide information for conservation of locally rare or uncommon species.
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    GIS-ready Raster Datasets of Rio Preguicas Mangrove Stand, Maranhão State, Brazil
    Hamilton, Stuart E.; Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo A.; Presotto, Andrea; Geography and Geoscience
    These are the UAV-derived imagery of mangrove stands in the Rio Preguicas estuary of Maranhão State in Brazil. They were flown 2018-2034 and are ready for use in GIS. They are available for all researchers to explore the use of drone data in Mangrove analysis.
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    Marigold Cell Size and Polyploidy
    (Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 2004) Hunter, Kimberly L.; Hunter, Richard B.; Biological Sciences
    Most animals are diploid, having one set of chromosomes from the male and one from the female. Polyploid animals, with the exception of some frogs and fish, are usually aborted or die immediately after birth (Gardner et al., 1991). In contrast, estimates are that about 70% of flowering plants and 90% of ferns contain three or more sets of chromosomes (Masterson, 1994; Pichersky et al., 1990). Chromosomes pair at meiosis, therefore most organisms have even sets of chromosomes, such as tetraploids (4 sets), and hexaploids (6 sets). Those with odd numbers have reduced fertility (triploids for example) and often reproduce vegetatively. Many crop plants are polyploid, including coffee, cotton, potatoes, strawberries, sugar cane, tobacco, wheat and corn. Polyploidy in plants has been investigated since the 1930s to try to understand and perhaps make use of its effects (Stebbins, 1947). The grain crop triticale, for example, is a human-generated hybrid polyploid of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rye (Secale cereale) formed by scientists containing the complete genomes of both grasses. Plant breeders induce polyploidy to attempt to increase yield, improve qualities like fruit size or vigor, and to adapt crops to particular growing conditions (Dewey, 1980; Zeven, 1980). The seedless watermelon and larger tetraploid grapes are examples. In some instances polyploidy has increased flower, seed or fruit size, increased photosynthetic or respiration rates, or increased tolerance of extreme temperatures, drought or flooding (Tal, 1980). However, there are few consistent effects, the primary one being an increase in cell size (Masterson, 1994; Bennett and Leitch, 1997). We have developed a lab (Hunter et al., 2002) based on polyploidy and cell size, to introduce middle school, high school, and college students to several important subjects in biology, including genetics (chromosomes, meiosis and mitosis, polyploidy), plant anatomy (stomata, air and water exchange, leaf structure) and cell biology (genome size and cell size). It also allows the use of simple math in data analysis and utilizes quantitative measurements rather than simple observations. The lab involves growing marigolds for about one month from seed, and measuring guard cell (surrounding the stomata) sizes and densities. A modified version of the lab was presented at the 2003 ABLE meeting in Las Vegas.
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    Investigating Polyploidy: Using Marigold Stomates & Fingernail Polish
    (National Association of Biology Teachers, 2002-05) Hunter, Kimberly L.; Leone, Rebecca S.; Kohlhepp, Kimberly; Hunter, Richard B.; Biological Sciences
    Hands-on experimentation with polyploidy is a useful approach to connect research with classroom teaching. The following activity uses marigolds to explore the effects of differing chromosome number on plant cell size. Researchers have documented a correlation between plant ploidy and guard cell size, and its correlate, density (Masterson 1994). Guard cells control opening and closing of stomates on the leaf surface.
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    Predatory Publishers: How to recognize them and avoid getting scammed
    (2018-03-07) Martin, Victoria
    This handout was created to assist faculty, researchers, and graduate students with identifying predatory publishers and conference organizers.
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    Open Educational Resources (OER): An overview
    (2018-01-08) Martin, Victoria
    This presentation, delivered on January 8, 2018, at the Salisbury University Libraries (Salisbury, MD), provides an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER). It was delivered as part of OER training for Salisbury University librarians.
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    Transcending Boundaries: Reflections on transdisciplinary librarianship
    (2018-02-10) Martin, Victoria
    This presentation, delivered on February 10, 2018, at the ALA Midwinter Meeting (Denver, CO), provides a synoptic overview of the emerging field of transdisciplinarity, explains the difference between transdisciplinarity and other types of cross-disciplinary research, describes the key library functions that are likely to be impacted by transdisciplinarity, and reflects on the ways librarians’ expertise can contribute to transdisciplinary scholarship.
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    Examining the Role of Leadership in an Undergraduate Biology Institutional Reform Initiative
    (2016) Matz, Rebecca; Jardeleza, Sarah
    Undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education reform continues to be a national priority. We studied a reform process in undergraduate biology at a research-intensive university to explore what leadership issues arose in implementation of the initiative when characterized with a descriptive case study method. The data were drawn from transcripts of meetings that occurred over the first 2 years of the reform process. Two literature-based models of change were used as lenses through which to view the data. We find that easing the burden of an undergraduate education reform initiative on faculty through articulating clear outcomes, developing shared vision across stakeholders on how to achieve those outcomes, providing appropriate reward systems, and ensuring faculty have ample opportunity to influence the initiative all appear to increase the success of reform. The two literature-based models were assessed, and an extended model of change is presented that moves from change in STEM instructional strategies to STEM organizational change strategies. These lessons may be transferable to other institutions engaging in education reform.
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    Mapping the Brain: Resources for Researchers in Neurosciences
    Martin, Victoria
    This webliography annotates selected web-based resources for researchers in neuroscience and is primarily intended for librarians who assist neuroscientists engaged in research.
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    Geopolitics from below: Student perceptions of contemporary US-Turkey relations
    (The Arab World Geographer, 2008) Gokmen, Mahmut; Falah, Ghazi-Walid; de Socio, Mark
    This paper analyzes a survey involving 288 participants from three Turkish universities (Sabanci University, Gebze Institute of Technology, and Istanbul University) that was carried out to evaluate and analyze students’ opinions on U.S.–Turkey bilateral relations. This survey was intended to ascertain the wider geopolitical perspectives of Turkish university students on the relationship between the two countries. It attempted to give a voice to those actually affected by policies emerging from this bilateral relationship, and thus open another empirical and “grounded” window on the students’ perceptions of bilateral situations. The survey asks a range of questions about the nature of U.S.–Turkey relations, current constraints and obstacles in the relationship, and the future prospects and strengths of ties between the two countries. The survey results reveal an increased scrutiny of the viability of this strategic partnership, especially given the impact of the U.S. war in Iraq and its ramifications for Iraqi and Turkish Kurds.
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    Geopolitics from above: A review of US-Turkey bilateral relations, 1947-2006
    (The Arab World Geographer, 2008) Gokmen, Mahmut; Falah, Ghazi-Walid; de Socio, Mark
    This paper analyzes geopolitical changes and continuity in bilateral relations between Turkey and the United States from the Truman Doctrine in 1947 to the present. While the relationship was referred to as an “alliance” during the Cold War, established with a common interest in containing the Soviet Union, the post–Cold War era posed important challenges and transformed the relationship into a “strategic partnership.” The post–September 11 era has put the viability of the strategic partnership under scrutiny: relations between the two countries have been going through a crisis, especially under the impact of the United States’ war on Iraq from March 2003 on. Bilateral U.S.–Turkish relations in this era have evolved from a “strategic partnership” to a “partnership for democracy and war on terrorism” in the greater Middle East.
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    Gasoline station morphology on Virginia’s Eastern Shore
    (Southeastern Geographer, 2013) Macpherson, Bradley M; de Socio, Mark
    Gasoline stations are a ubiquitous component of the modern built environment. Gasoline stations are largely included within people’s daily spatial routines given the nature of modern transportation, particularly in mobile societies like the United States, and represent a material infrastructure that underlies and facilitates daily economic activities. As such, gasoline stations are generally relegated to the background of contemporary cultural landscapes because the action of obtaining gasoline for one’s vehicle has become such a routine and mundane activity that it is hardly given any forethought. Yet, the changing form and function of gasoline stations (hence the term ‘‘morphology’’) along with changing technologies in transportation and transportation infrastructure has rendered many gasoline stations obsolete. Utilizing nearest neighbor analysis, this paper identifies and documents changing spatial patterns and functions of gasoline station locations throughout Virginia’s Eastern Shore by decade and documents changing cultural and economic uses of recycled gasoline stations.
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    Marginalization of sunset firms in regime coalitions: A social network analysis
    (Regional Studies, 2010) de Socio, Mark
    Marginalization of sunset firms in regime coalitions: a social network analysis, Regional Studies. Business leaders and organizations are central to the formation and maintenance of urban regimes. Business communities are not monolithic, however, and they vary in their composition of economic activities and industry sectors, and in the resources they command. Differentiation in business community resources has implications for regime networks, particularly in cities where large percentages of their economic base are comprised of industries in decline. Utilizing social network analysis, this paper finds that business leaders associated with traditional manufacturing are marginalized within the prevailing regime networks of two United States ‘rustbelt’ cities in favour of leaders associated with newer, more stable, industries.
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    Geographers mobilize: A network-diffusion analysis of the campaign to free Ghazi-Walid Falah
    (Antipode, 2010) de Socio, Mark
    In summer 2006, Professor Ghazi-Walid Falah, a political geographer and editor-in-chief of the journal Arab World Geographer, was arrested by Israeli police after taking photographs of rural landscapes in Northern Galilee. Falah was subsequently held for 23 days, incommunicado, and without charge. An international campaign to “Free Ghazi” was launched by his family, friends and colleagues, largely over academic listservs and other media. Utilizing social network analysis and contextualizing the campaign within structures of telecommunications technologies, the purpose of this paper is to assess the various factors that contributed to the campaign’s coalescence, its rapid development, and its global reach.
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    Regime network restructuring in Akron, Ohio, 1975-2009: A longitudinal social network analysis
    (Growth and Change, 2012) de Socio, Mark
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impacts of extra-local economic and political forces on the business community participants of the governing regime coalition in Akron, Ohio, and in turn, how other regime partners responded to and engaged with the changing constitution of Akron’s business community. Unlike the UK where municipalities receive substantial fiscal support from regional and national governments, American cities are more readily forced into regime partnerships with other public and private actors for fiscal solvency, including, primarily, the local business community. In the case of Akron, the local business community experienced a prolonged and ongoing period of comprehensive deindustrialization and economic restructuring, forcing the city into partnerships with less traditional non-private sector actors as Akron’s business community structure continues to transform. A secondary objective is to forward the utility of social network analysis in regime theory applications. Social network analysis offers a way to situate arguably the most influential actors in a regime coalition. Utilizing the directories of Standard and Poor’s Index of Corporations and Directors from 1975 through 2006, social network analysis is performed on the interlocking network of corporations and civic organizations based in Akron for each decade, allowing a longitudinal view of the changing business community partners of Akron’s governing coalition.