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    Irresistible Instagram: The Negative Effects of This Social Media Platform on Adolescents
    (2023-04-06) Kush, Alyssa; Department of English; Undergraduate Research Symposium
    In this paper, Kush argues that, although many adolescents in the United States feel connected when they use Instagram, it negatively affects some of them because it promotes competitive body image expectations and unproductive use of time, which can lead to mental health issues. Since many influencers are getting paid to promote an item, it sets up a false idea that viewers need to buy these products to be more liked and attractive. Depending on how much a person believes they look or act the way the influencers say they should determines how they feel about themselves. In a study conducted in 2020, researchers concluded that social media and self-esteem go hand in hand. They have a negative correlation, which means the more time spent scrolling the more likely one will feel bad about themselves. This paper offers steps to address the issue, moving Instagram users toward a happier and healthier life.