The Impact Of Student-Faculty Interaction On Academic Achievement And College Satisfaction For Black Males At Predominately White Institutions

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Advanced Studies, Leadership, and Policy


Doctor of Philosophy

Citation of Original Publication


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The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of student-faculty interactions on academic achievement and college satisfaction among Black males at predominately White institutions. Specifically, the researcher sought to determine if there was a difference in levels of academic achievement and college satisfaction based on how often Black males interacted with their faculty members. Astin's inputs-environments-outputs (I-E-O) model provided a useful theoretical framework for examining these variables (Astin, 1991). Data from the College Student Experiences Questionnaire were analyzed to address the research questions and test the hypotheses using inferential statistics. SPSS was used to conduct the analysis. An alpha level of .05 was set. Descriptive statistics, correlational analyses, and multiple regression analyses were conducted using the independent variable, student-faculty interaction, and the two dependent variables, academic achievement (defined by grades), and college satisfaction. Marital status, level of parental education, degree aspirations, and college grades were used as intervening variables in research question 3. The results of the present study suggested that participants reported having high levels of satisfaction with their college experience and moderate levels of academic achievement. Correlational analyses revealed a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of student-faculty interaction and academic achievement as well as college satisfaction. There was also a statistically significant relationship found between the frequency of student-faculty interaction and college satisfaction when controlling for particular background information, (i.e., marital status, level of aspiration, and level of parental education) and college grades. Ultimately, this study adds to the minimal body of literature that examines the impact of the frequency of student-faculty interactions on academic achievement and college satisfaction among Black males who attend predominately White institutions.