Creating Student Interaction within the Educational Experience: A Challenge for Online Teachers

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Citation of Original Publication

Schrum, Lynn; Berge, Zane L.; Creating Student Interaction within the Educational Experience: A Challenge for Online Teachers; Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, VOL26, NO.3, Pages 133-144 (2009);


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The purpose of this article is to look carefully at the design and development of online courses, and identify significant issues surrounding the creation of interactivity among and between students and the instructor. With the rapidly expanding online movement, many educators are faced with teaching in this new environment and yet have had little experience to inform their practice. The article provides support for educators as they begin to create courses for an online environment. The challenges include a necessary reconceptualization of the design process, including evaluation, and a new role for educators as they begin to create courses for an online environment. The challenges include a necessary reconceptualization of the design process, including evaluation, and a new role for educators. Most importantly, each educator has to provide opportunities for student to student and student to instructor interaction. The authors identify issues, provide suggestions, and offer specific strategies to begin educators' efforts at successful use of the online educational environment.