Sampling and Monitoring Herpetological Community Structure Within a Historically Disturbed Wetland


Author/Creator ORCID




Hood College Department of Biology


Hood College Environmental Biology

Citation of Original Publication


Attribution 3.0 United States


The wetland sections of Fountain Rock Park, Walkersville, Frederick County, MD were sampled for herpetofauna from March 2019 to December 2019. Over this period, 230 individuals were sampled consisting of eight amphibian species (six Anura and two Caudata) and seven reptile species (five Testudines and two Squamata). The overall herpetological diversity of the parks wetlands was decently robust with a Shannon Index calculation of H=2.18 and a Simpson Index of Diversity = 0.870. The amphibian samples collected from this study were used to calculate an Amphibian Index of Biotic Integrity (AmphiBI) of 24, indicating a condition of moderate wetland integrity as opposed to superior integrity based on previous research. The present study determined that the park’s wetlands were sufficient for a considerable diversity of herpetofauna, including a State of Maryland endangered species, and that steps should be taken to ensure the preservation of biodiversity in this isolated site surrounded by increased development.