Microtensile Characterization of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg

Author/Creator ORCID




Mechanical Engineering


Engineering, Mechanical

Citation of Original Publication


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Due to the increasing demand for lightweight structures with complex geometries in many industries, aluminum alloys (Al) have gained greater applications in additive manufacturing (AM). AM is a manufacturing technique that can fabricate highly complex components that cannot be manufactured using conventional manufacturing techniques. Materials produced using AM techniques will need to be characterized and qualified to meet structural and system requirements. While AM techniques have been extensively reviewed and compared, there is a need for research linking these AM techniques to the mechanical behavior of AM materials. Microscale mechanical characterization is a useful technique for understanding the local mechanical behavior of materials with inhomogeneous microstructures and macrostructures. Microtensile characterization provides many unique insights into material behaviors that are not evident by only observing the macro-scale responses. This work focuses on three topics; 1) effects of process parameters on the mechanical behavior of AM material, 2) the mechanical behavior of an AM part with a continuously varying cross section along the build direction, and 3) the mechanical behavior of thin AM angled structures. The AM AlSi10Mg material used in this work was prepared by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) using a powder bed fusion (PBF) direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) EOS GmbH M290 system. The AlSi10Mg samples were not post processing heat-treated in any way after the AM process, meaning all samples are as-build manufactured. Microtensile testing mechanical behavior of AM AlSi10Mg material manufactured using the EOS GmbH specified process parameters coincided with the published data from EOS GmbH. The process parameters evaluation showed that laser power, laser scan speed, and laser hatch spacing affected the mechanical behavior of the AM material. The varying cross-sectional AM AlSi10Mg part showed a statistically significant mechanical behavior difference between two pairs of height locations along the build direction from the build platform. The angled thin AM AlSi10Mg structures have a statistically significant mechanical behavior difference within the same angle between thicknesses, as well as the same thickness between angles.