A Quasi-Experimental Pre-Post-Test Design of the Impact Culturally Relevant Pedagogy has on Teaching in an Urban Education Setting


Author/Creator ORCID




Graduate Programs in Education


Masters of Education

Citation of Original Publication


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The purpose of this study was to discover how being a teacher in an urban education setting required a different style of teaching and the implementation of various teaching methods. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental pre-post-test design. The study used Carnegie Learning mathematics curriculum assessment for both the pre-test and post-test and the culturally relevant pedagogy was implemented over the course of three weeks. The population that was of interest for this study was a class of high school students in the mathematics content area of Algebra I in an urban school setting. The results of the study indicated that implementing culturally relevant pedagogy in an urban education setting showcased a substantial increase in achievement from the pre-test to the post-test. It will be beneficial for future research to continue in this area of culturally relevant pedagogy with the possible focus on an in-person learning environment with differential selection.