Terahertz science and applications based on poled electro-optic polymers





Citation of Original Publication

Zheng, Xuemei et al.; Terahertz science and applications based on poled electro-optic polymers; Proceedings Volume 6472, Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics VI, 1 February, 2007; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.696650


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We review recent research using amorphous electrooptic (EO) polymers for generation and detection of broadband terahertz radiation (0.3 THz -30 THz). The advantages of amorphous EO polymers over other materials for broadband THz generation (via optical rectification) and detection (via EO sampling) include a lack of phonon absorption (good transparency) in the THz regime, high EO coefficient and good phase-matching properties, and, of course, easy fabrication (low cost). Our ~12-THz, spectral gap-free THz system based on a polymer emitter-sensor pair is an excellent demonstration of the advantages of the use of EO polymers. This system has been employed as a wideband spectrometer to study dielectric materials in the THz regime