Security Issues in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing Protocols.


Author/Creator ORCID




Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


Computer Science

Citation of Original Publication


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With the rapidly increasing demand for portable and flexible communications which has led to an evolution in networking between unmanned aerial vehicles, the potential attack surface for unmanned aerial vehicles has also increased drastically. In Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc networks, UAVs collaborate in order to relay data to each other or share data with each other or the Ground control station, this provides an avenue for malicious attackers to compromise the integrity of these networks. There have already been numerous security analyses of unmanned aerial vehicle routing protocols; yet, these analyses have not been combined with each other sufficiently. Since There is a lack of a defined central authority, securitizing the routing process in Unmanned aerial vehicle UAV communication becomes a challenging task. In this theses, we carry out a comprehensive survey on the security challenges, potential threats, and countermeasures for unmanned aerial vehicle routing protocols.