Gamifying Critical Reading through a Genome Annotation Intercollegiate Competition





Citation of Original Publication

Erill I, Caruso SM, Hu JC. 2018. Gamifying Critical Reading through a Genome Annotation Intercollegiate Competition. Article 6 In: McMahon K, editor. Tested studies for laboratory teaching. Volume 39. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE).


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This workshop explores the use of a web-based inter-collegiate competition to perform Gene Ontology annotation of gene products in sequenced genomes as a tool to motivate and focus students’ reading and critical assessment of primary scientific literature while performing a useful task for the scientific community. Students work in teams to generate and peer review gene annotations. The combination of team-based peer competition with a highly structured and publicly-accountable annotation process enhances student involvement and discussion, provides well-defined guidelines for critical reading of primary literature, and engages students in thinking about evidence and source identification in scientific statements.