Combating Fake Cyber Threat Intelligence using Provenance in Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs





Citation of Original Publication

A. Piplai, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, T. Finin, J. Holt and R. Zak, "Creating Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs From Malware After Action Reports," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 211691-211703, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3039234.


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Today there is a significant amount of fake cybersecurity related intelligence on the internet. To filter out such information, we build a system to capture the provenance information and represent it along with the captured Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). In the cybersecurity domain, such CTI is stored in Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs (CKG). We enhance the exiting CKG model to incorporate intelligence provenance and fuse provenance graphs with CKG. This process includes modifying traditional approaches to entity and relation extraction. CTI data is considered vital in securing our cyberspace. Knowledge graphs containing CTI information along with its provenance can provide expertise to dependent Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and human analysts.