John Henryism, Social Support, and Health-Related Quality of Life Among People with a Criminal Record


Author/Creator ORCID







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A growing body of research demonstrates how the 40,000+ laws imposing restrictions onto people with a criminal record create a type of second-class citizenship that creates difficulties with community reentry. Different coping strategies may be utilized to respond to the stressful circumstance of having a criminal record. John Henryism is a personality construct related to coping strategies that has specifically been tied to detrimental health outcomes for those experiencing racial and economic adversity. This study explored the relation between John Henryism and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in a sample of adults with a criminal record, with social support as a moderator. Results revealed that John Henryism was negatively associated with mentally unhealthy days and days where poor health impaired typical functioning, and social support did not moderate these relations. Findings show the need to further explore the nature of John Henryism, social support, and navigating a criminal record.